Lush Garden Hideaway


The Brief:

We were given a budget of €30,000 to create a semi-private space within an established larger garden which would be very laid back and tranquil.  This unusually shaped, triangular side garden area would be accessed from three different locations.  The space needed to be free-flowing and informal but also contemporary and usable throughout the year for entertaining friends and for relaxing amongst the plants.

We achieved this by:

  • Using an exuberant style of planting which is really our “signature style”. This style of planting allowed for the perfect melding of the older mature planting into the new scheme along the walls as well as helping to soften the house and patio. The free-flowing style of the planting along with the installation of serpentine lawned paths helped to counteract the triangular site and harsh lines of the house.
  • The planting is also very detailed with lots of architectural specimens such as Tree ferns, Trachycarpus palms, gnarled Olives and Bananas. Fleshy Canna and Hostas are contrasted nicely with drifts of ornamental grasses, Fennel and Salvias.
  • The position of the elliptical pool complete with a small gusher adds just enough drama to help draw people out into the space and the pool also works great as a reflection pool when the gusher is off. The pool has been positioned to be viewed through a large set of double doors leading out from the kitchen.
  • We created a cool mini hideaway by the edge of the pool with a swinging seat nestled in umbelliferae by a large gnarled Olive and framed between two Bananas – a great spot for a coffee. The patio in contrast is fairly large and open. We installed an amazing modular sofa system from Bridgeman which adds a nice laid back feel to the area. A bonsai Olive and large fruiting Lemons in pots completes the patio and adds a very continental vibe to the space.

To Sum Up

The new “keanespace” one year on has worked a treat and is getting lots of use which is always a good sign. Following on from completion of the area the client actually installed a large set of bi-folding doors to make the most of the newly edited outside space.


This space is part of a much larger garden and it really exemplifies the basis of my ethos as I love to create “rooms” in the garden wherever possible which can be enjoyed from different rooms within the house.


For example in other parts of this garden we also designed and installed a large synthetic lawn which is all weather and comes complete with a bespoke insulated tree house and zip line and is great fun for the kids (and some of the adults!).


A putting green, a resin basketball court, which doubles as extra parking, and colourful seasonal shrubberies are also part of the larger garden layout.


We also provide aftercare for this garden as we do with most of our new “keanespaces” and that’s the part of the job I still enjoy the most.